Author Katrina Avant doesn’t let limits prevent her from experiencing innovative ways to set new rules and life goals. Through friends, family and acquaintances, Katrina accumulated countless subjects and characters found woven throughout her novels. But it was her own drama that prompted the birth of her first absorbing tale, The Touch of a Man’s Heart, which led to her most popular reads, the Metro City series. Keeping in the style of creating new rules, Katrina has penned other fan favorites such as, Mama Said Keep Your Dress Tail Down, and its sequel written under the pen name Olivia M. Dutton.
Feeling the need to create and conquer more goals, Katrina left her first love, cosmetology, and ventured into the world of health and fitness, as a nutrition educator with the University of Arkansas Extension Service. After spending many fulfilling years teaching the importance of eating healthy, she expanded her boundaries and joined her state’s department of corrections as a lieutenant. After leaving DOC, Katrina found her second love, Projects by K.
Author Katrina Avant wanted to create something special for her granddaughter, Rylee Marie.This lovable short story was created with a grandmother’s love. Join Rylee in a wondrous day’s journey from start to finish in A Day with Rylee.Come inside the pages of “The Touch of a Man’s Heart” to love, both physical and emotional.
Just when Dain convinces Taylor that he can be a better man, one of his throwaways returns with a vengeance!Finally free from the drama, Justin braced himself for the fallout; fallout he thought he could handle–until the first murder attempt.A daughter’s tragic struggle living with a mentally ill mother.Follow Sienna and Matthias into a world of deception, blackmail and love in Sienna’s Secret.Follow Kobe, (introduced in Sienna’s Secret), and KT, (introduced in Give Me More Than Words), into a world of Corruption, Murder and Deceit.Jason vows to make Garrett pay for pressing for the maximum sentence, after he attempted to murder his wife and child. He tried burning his family to death, because his wife didn’t cook the potatoes the way he liked.Follow Dr. Payne as he discovers the new rules of the single’s game in Payne before Pleasure.Unknown to Landon, Queen or Syon, there is a sinister element surrounding them all.With all of the turmoil that has plagued the infamous city, the citizens of Metro City have a whole new level of concerns with a new mayoral election. But it all pales in comparison to the vengeance that lingers just within the shadows. Someone is set to punish those who have transgressed!Dopo essersi imbattuti in alcuni loschi affari, lui e Sienna si trovano presto catapultati in una messinscena che li porta a notti di fuoco… segui Sienna e Matthias in un mondo di inganni, ricatti e amore ne “Il segreto di Sienna”.Após encontrar alguns negócios escusos, ele e Sienna são logo envolvidos em uma charada que os leva a noites quentes – e o maior segredo de todos eles! Después de descubrir negocios turbios, él y Sienna se encuentran pronto atrapados en una farsa que los guía a noches calientes… ¡y al mayor secreto de todos!Friends & Enemies takes you on a wild ride through the murky territories of relationships, misplaced loyalties, and fatal attractions, all driven by perceived enemies and unexpected friends.Raina is just as determined to have her desires satisfied—even if it means destroying Cole in the process. Who is your ADDICTION?Tomás Raya must find Redemption.
Mama Lou is dying. But before she leaves this plane of existence, she wants to leave her granddaughters with some words of wisdom.Watch Brianna make her point loud and clear, as she shakes up the world of lies, manipulations and unfaithfulness.Raised by her grandparents, Angel soon learns life can be harsh as she endures the death of Papa, which uncovers shameful family secrets.